Okay. One post. So many announcements... here we go...
Greetings MoFoers! and cheers for pointing your web-whatever-you-browse-with, at the Spacelord Mo Fo Blog! Herein, Dave and I will be posting regular updates, cool stuff, and occasionally rant and rail against the powers and principalities we feel are oppressing our desire for global domination via our awesomely ass-kickingly kick-ass Cinegraphic Novel Series -- The Legend of Spacelord Mo Fo! (For those not familiar with the Mo Fo or us, please direct your attention to the information section to the right of this post. Thank You.)
Right... now that I've got your attention, the first piece of rock-your-world news is...
The Legend of Spacelord Mo Fo Cinegraphic Novel is being launched at the Melbourne Armageddon Pop Culture Expo in Australia, October 22-23rd, 2011, and the Brisbane Supanova Expo, November 4-6th, 2011. So if you're going to be at either, stop by our double-sized stand in the Artist Alley (one stand's not big enough for the Mo Fo!) and say "Hi"or something... or just be shocked and awed by all of the awesome stuff we'll have on display.
(See far below for a view of the T-Shirt... and other T-Shirts that require money to be exchanged in order to satisfy your I-must-have-that-awesome-Mo-Fo-t-shirt craving... come on, say it with me... I Must Have That Awesome Mo Fo T-Shirt... and again...)
To celebrate the arrival of the Mo Fo, Ironclad Imagineers (that's also me and Dave for those who haven't read all the info on the right) invites you to an After-Armageddon Launch Party on Saturday, 22nd October, at the Urban Central Bar, 7pm til 9pm. Launching TLOSLMF is Australia's own cinematic Mo Fo legend, Mad Max (SA Cosplay Champion, Steve Scholz). First One Hundred to join the Mo Foing celebrations will get a free drink voucher at the door (4 Wine, Bubbly & Beer only) and there'll be food stuff on platters for those who require other-than-beverage sustenance.
The Launch will have a few cool door prizes, some incredibly witty speeches, and yes, many attempts to get you to fork out real money for the inaugural merchandise we'll have for sale. Though, and let's be crystal clear about this, once the Mo Fo has become the global domination machine it so obviously deserves to be, that 'inaugural merchandise' will be worth a fortune! Not that we want to promote a capitalist agenda (...well, yes we do) or suggest TLOSLMF is going to be the most ass-kickingly kick-ass Cinegraphic Novel ever (... but we are) we're just saying you can retire from the sale of an Action Comics Issue 1 (... yes, you really can... unless you're Nicolas Cage, in which case, I was genuinely sorry to hear about your financial woes. I think you've done some awesome films, maybe not Ghost Rider, but Drive Angry was a hoot! and Wild at Heart was totally Fuck Yeah!).
We've slaved away for an epically long, endurance-testing month, er week... okay, it was days, to build the Official Website of The Legend of Spacelord Mo Fo where the actual TLOSLMF cinegraphic novel will be available, FREE, for everyone to be amazed by.
But, don't go there yet, because it's... well, there's nothing there right now (though, if you're reading this after the 20th October 2011, then there is... assuming the planet has not been struck by an asteroid, or the Yellowstone Supervolcano has erupted, or there's been some kind of Global Economic Collapse... again... again...).
Yep, were hip, we're cool, we're down with the whatever cool kids are street with these days, we've got our Mo Fo FACEBOOK page, and our TWITTER account, and our MYSPACE page... What? ... Oh... okay, forget I mentioned it... but we do have those other really cool pages you can follow us on and help us promote the Mo Fo to the rest of the world... and if some new cool Social Media phenom comes along, be assured you'll be able to follow us on that too.
We're going to have four bad Mo Foing t-shirts available at Armageddon and Supanova and... let's be honest, they'll be available any time anyone wants to buy one...
There's the Have You Seen This Mo Fo? T-Shirt (See FREE PROMOTION details above).
And Honey Pott... Gun lover!
And here's... Scratch! Cute Cat... Bad Kitty! (on White)
And Scratch again... (on black)
So... yeah... T-Shirts!
But wait, there's more... er... actually, no there's not. You've reached the end of our first blog post. Congrats on achieving this awesome milestone. So, just to recap (there will be a test later)... TLOSLMF is launching at Melbourne Armageddon Expo 22-23rd October & Brisbane Supanova November 4th-6th. Come and see us. Join the Mo Fo Army. Party with us at the Launch!... and if you can't make it, then follow us on this blog, and follow the FREE TLOSLMF Cinegraphic Novel at the Official Spacelord Mo Fo website!
Cheers All,
Pat & Dave!!
awesomeness!!! :D